Growing Bunching Onions

Oviedo, Florida: Bunching Onion is one of my most commonly used herb in my edible garden. It is known as Chinese or Taiwanese Bunching Scallion, a native of Southeast Asia. The bunching onion is perennial and keeps bunching or clumping.

Seed: My bunching scallion started from seeds from my friend’s parents who gave me the seedlings to grow. You can purchase the bunching scallion seeds from Pan Asia Heirloom on Etsy.

Plant for sale: I do sell and offer to ship rooted live bunching scallion but recommend you save the money to grow them from seeds instead.

Soil: organic potting mix with at least watering from my sprinkler system

Watering: 3 times a week by my sprinkler, too much standing rainwater can cause root rot

Light: full sun in spring, fall, winter, but prefers part shade in the hot summer here in Zone 9B of Florida.

Propagation: This variety bunches so I just split it into fours and replant until they clump into a bunch to separate again.

Harvesting: tbd

Culinary uses: Taiwanese bunching onions are similar with regular scallion is that they have hollow leaves. These bunching onion grows as a perennial that last much longer than scallions in my garden, has a crisp texture and a natural sweetness when cooked in Asian stir fry dishes and soups. The leaves are slimmer than regular scallions. I recommend growing bunching onions for your stir fry dishes.

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